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GHS NoodleTools: Journal - Sample MLA Citation

Completed Citation

Bayler, Aydin, and Kenan Ozcan. "Choosing Teaching Profession as a Career: 
     Students' Reasons." International Education Studies, vol. 7, no. 5, 2014, 
     pp. 104-15. ERIC, 
     login.aspx?direct=true&db=eric&AN=EJ1069277&site=ehost-live. Accessed 12 
     Sept. 2016. 

Choose What Is Being Cited - Take the Same Path in NoodleTools Taken to Find the Source

Filling in NoodleTools Text Fields - Step 1

Filling in NoodleTools Text Fields - Step 3

Video Tutorial

This tutorial is in two parts.  Part 2 finishes out the citation example.

Finding Journal Articles

You can certainly try using the free Internet to find journal articles by searching Google, Bing or Yahoo - usually through an advanced search.  However, most journal publishers expect payment to view the whole article.  

Your library has subscription databases that house hundreds of thousands of journal articles.  You have access to the entire journal article because your library pays for that acccess.

Using the library's subscription databases is the best, fastest and easiest way to find a journal article for your research.

Citing Content Found Within a Database

Look at the type of document.  Most databases will tell you this.  You can either start your citation in NoodleTools by selecting 'database' and then choosing the type of media, OR you can select the type of media, and then choose 'database' from the tabs at the top of the next page.