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Seminar Research: Mining References

How Do You Mine Reference Lists?

Why Works Cited/Reference Pages Matter

When authors borrow information they credit their sources. In-text citations or footnotes correspond to a list of sources at the end of the work. This list of sources may be called references, works cited, or a bibliography.

Mining a reference list means looking up these sources for yourself.

Careful crediting of sources is more common for academic or scholarly work. Popular sources, such as newspapers and magazines, may lack citations or have less-complete citations that made finding the source difficult.


Example Reference List


Original Article:
England, D., Descartes, L., & Collier-Meek, M. (2011). Gender role portrayal and the Disney princesses. Sex Roles64, 555-567. doi:10.1007/s11199-011-9930-7.

Some of the references cited in the original article:

Gerbner, G., Gross, L., Morgan, M., & Signorielli, N. (1994). Growing up with television: The cultivation perspective. In J. Bryant & D. Zillmann (Eds.), Media effects: Advances in theory and research (pp.17-41). Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

Giroux, H. A. (1997). Are Disney movies good for your kids? In S. R. Steinberg & J. L. Kincheloe (Eds.) Kinderculture: The corporate construction of childhood (pp. 53-67). Boulder: Westview.

Graves, S. B. (1999). Television and prejudice reduction: When does television as a vicarious experience make a difference? Journal of Social Issues, 55, 707-725. doi: 1.1111/0022-4537.00143.

Hoerrner, K. L. (1996). Gender roles in Disney films: Analyzing behaviors from Snow White to Simba. Women’s Studies in Communication, 19, 213-228.

Conducting a data mining search * In example we used ProQuest database and performed an advanced search