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Lauren Vandegrift HS Library: VHS Club Application


Established clubs do not need to re-submit a club application. You only need to update your bylaws and send them to Ms. Lopez. 

Starting a Student-Led Club:

  1. Complete the VHS Student-Led Club Application (located on the right-hand side of this page). You must submit a roster of at least 10 initial members to start a club (file upload located on the online form).
  2. Turn in the completed application and attach the initial member list to Ms. Lopez (library).
  3. Wait for temporary club approval.  The initiating member and faculty sponsor will be notified via email.
  4. Establish meeting dates with the sponsor and meet.  Use this time to create your organizational bylaws.
  5. By December 09, 2022, turn in your organizational bylaws to Ms. Lopez (library).  These bylaws must be turned in to make your club official.
  6. Once an official club, you are done!  Enjoy PIT!
  7.  If you want to hang posters your club has created, get Mr. Little's stamp of approval from the front office first.