Click on the Answering questions sheet. Write three factual questions you would ask about your country. Then choose 3 of the 5 categories of interpretive questions and write one question for each category.
Day One--Video on databases vs. Internet
Resource Scavenger Hunt--show your completed answer sheet to Mrs. Yonker to receive credit.
Decide on a person associated with your career or college you would like to research further.
Fill out Brainstorming template. When you are finished, choose PRINT, destination GOOGLE DRIVE, then share to Mrs. Yonker.
Day Two--Watch video on plagarism.
You will need a Noodletools account for this assignment. You may have an account from middle school, try to log in first, or ask Mrs. Yonker or Mrs. Koski to retrieve your log in information. (See the video tutorials in the right column for help with Noodletools).
Create a new project named ACE Research and share the project with Mrs. Yonker
Open your completed Brainstorming template (it should be in your Google Drive)
Questioning ppt--Red light/ green light
Asking questions sheet--show your completed question sheet to Mrs. Yonker for credit before returning to computer.
Open your Noodletools "ACE Research" project. Fill in the blanks beside "Research Question" and "Thesis Statement"
Watch "how to create a citation" video.
Start finding info on topic to answer your qestions. As you find resources, create a citation in Noodletools. (HINT: database sources are super easy to cite!!)
Day Three--Find more info on person.
Watch "Why Cite?" video.
Watch video on creating notecards.
Enter sources on Noodletools. Find at least 5 sources that have information on your topic. Make one note card per source with a direct quote from the source.
You do NOT need to print this assignment.