Access your Google Drive/Email:
XX = last 2 digits of your student ID
Password: your network password
Student instructions/ checklist of assignments:
Expect to spend time outside of class researching and writing.
1. Choose a speech from one of the approved websites (on libguide -- see link on LHS library website or link on teacher page). Your speech may not be less than 500 words. You may work independently, or partner up in a group of no more than three. You may either form a team and then choose a speech, or discover what other students in class have chosen the same speech as you. Once a speech has been claimed and recorded on the butcher paper on the wall, no other group in this class may use it.
2. In class, analyze your speech with the SOAPSTone chart, and annotate a copy of it for logos/ethos/pathos, figurative language, and specific rhetorical techniques.
3. Participate in class brainstorming and composition of rhetoric-based short answer questions that could correspond to any speech choice. Read the compiled list of questions, and choose three to answer as SEED-style paragraphs with textual evidence.
4. Research history associated with speech. Use databases linked to library site, and other approved sources (not Wikipedia). Properly cite 3 sources. Create a chart of information/ notes. See example of chart at bottom of page.
5. Write paper based on provided outline (at least 3 paragraphs, total of at least 250 words). Use parenthetical documentation correctly. Preferably, type the paper (double-spaced, 12-pt. font). Attach Works Cited page.
Rucker's Classes:
Choosing Speech (On Time Performance) due date:
SOAPSTone/ Annotation (Process) due date
Short Answer Questions (Process) due date:
Research Chart/ Working Bibliography (Process) due date:
Research Paper (Product) due date:
McNay's Classes:
Choosing Speech (On Time Performance) due date:
SOAPSTone/ Annotation (Process) due date:
Short Answer Questions (Process) due date:
Research Chart/ Working Bibliography (Process) due date:
Research Paper (Product) due date: